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A walking aid is something that helps or supports people with mobility problems to move around. Some aids help you walk, while others provide support for sitting down and standing up again.
The type of walking aid varies as per your medical condition. A doctor or health professional will decide after an assessment of your needs. You may need to try more than one type of walking aid before finding the most suitable one.
Although there are many types of walking aids available on platforms like Hico Medical Equipment Co., Ltd supplied, they fall into five main groups; those that help you to stand up (orthoses), those that help you move about (mobility aids), and those that allow you to sit down (seating and positioning aids).
1. Crutches
Crutches are a walking aid used to help you move around when you cannot use one or both of your legs. Two crutches are usually used as a pair and need to be adjusted to fit your height before you start using them. Once the site has been checked and set, you may need further training from your health professional or physiotherapist to learn about using the crutches safely and effectively.
People who can partially weight-bear on one leg can use a single forearm crutch. Those who need to rely on the crutch for weight-bearing completely should always use two forearm crutches to achieve optimal balance and gait. This means that if an injury occurs causing someone to need to use crutches, they should always use two to ensure good form and balance.
Crutches are usually made using in lightweight aluminum Crutches or another metal tubing. They have a cuff at the top which goes around the forearm, while underneath, there is a grip/handle attached to the bottom.
2. Frame walkers
A-frame walker looks like a metal body frame with three legs on wheels, attached to it in some way that allows you to move freely when walking about. People who find it difficult or impossible to stand up from sitting down or moving between seated positions may find this type of aid helpful in their everyday lives.
However, not everyone will benefit from using one of these – this will depend on your individual needs and requirements.
3. Wheelchair
A wheelchair is designed to help disabled people move around when walking becomes difficult or impossible due to illness, injury, or disability. It can be propelled by someone sitting inside it and working the two back wheels using two large hand rims called “push rims”.
Alternatively, there are three-wheeled types. These can be used by those unable to use their arms to operate the push rims and who have sufficient control over their shoulders and trunk to ensure adequate balance while seated in the wheelchair.
4. Sticks
Walking sticks come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all share certain essential parts:
Top – tip/point used for support, bottom
A flat base is used for support
Handle – grip used by the user’s hand
Shaft – part of the stick that joins these other parts
Sticks are usually made using wood or metal.
5. Rollator Walker
Rollator Walker is a 2 IN 1 walker newly developed and launched by HICO Medical CO. This travel device combines the crutch and walker in one and its called lux rollator walker , and with a grocery bag, it is very suitable for people with disabilities and the elderly who have difficulty walking, and aftermarket feedback, it has become one of the most popular walkers aids in 2021-2022
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