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Choosing the perfect mobility aid to support your daily life, be it a walking stick canes or Foldable Walking Crutches, can be an overwhelming process. Here are 5 steps on how to choose a walking stick that we have summarized from the feedback of many consumers
If you feel the above does match how you feel, then it may be that a mobility aid would help alleviate these symptoms and feelings.
Step 2 - Which mobility aid is best?
The very first thing to consider at this stage is your health. If you only have minor problems standing and walking it may well be a walking stick or crutches are the best option. However, if walking or standing is something you find gives you pain or anxiety it is at this point you will need a medical examination to determine you are safe and best suited to using a mobility aid and also to check whether a walker, wheelchair or rollator may be a better support and fit for you.
In all instances we would always recommend seeking advice from a medical professional be it a doctor, physio or otherwise.
Step 3 - Should I choose a walking stick, crutch or crutches?
Your medical condition, injury or disability should be the leading factor in your decision.
Visiting your GP or local hospital would be our first recommendation because they will not only advise the best choice but they will often lend you a hospital standard walking stick or crutch to try out.
With this in mind my recommendation would be to invest in the mobility aid which is going to support you on your worst days as a starting point, with the option to add to this as you gain strength & confidence. As always, please consult your doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or closest medical professional before you make your choice.
Once you have decided between a crutch or walking stick you then have the added bonus of choosing a style within these.
Step 4 - Which walking stick is best?
Choosing a walking Aid stick can be overwhelming, there is an enormous range of choice available. Whatever your condition, we would ALWAYS advise checking they have a CE or ISO mark, this will confirm they have been properly tested and certified to be safe for medical use.
As well as a CE or ISO mark you will also want to consider the handle and whether the walking stick is height adjustable. Height adjustment is key if you wear different height shoes for example, to make sure despite your shoe height, your walking stick can be adjusted to ensure your gait and joints are stable, protected and pain is minimised, whatever your shoes. Many more aesthetically focused walking sticks such as handmade acrylic or wooden walking sticks are cut to size so fixed and therefore don't allow for a variation in height day to day.
All of our range are CE or ISO marked, height adjustable and designed for long term medical use but with the added bonus they come in a range of fun styles and prints.
Step 5 - Which Crutches are best?
If like someone's advised, balance and pain management are your main concerns then a crutch or crutches may be a better option than a walking stick. The benefits of using crutches are that they will support your weight whilst also relieving pressure on your lower back as well as your leg or legs.
if you suffer from back pain, leg spasms and minimal movement or feeling in your left leg and foot. A crutch for you is the ideal anchor to support every day movement, you could feel confident using it and would definitely recommend to anyone unsure of whether a walking stick or crutch is right for them.
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